Hello, Friends!

Etiquette is not just for the old fashioned, but when I’ve gone online looking for people to want to nerd out on old manners and historical etiquette, I’ve either found “experts” who were trying to sell me a class or some rather uptight folks who really needed to get laid.

I love Etiquette.  I love the minutia, the history, the pomp and the silliness, but I’m not someone who bemoans the loss of intricate rules for eating, courting or living.  I do notice when someone doesn’t move to the right, (or the left depending on what country you’re in) to let another person pass or eats with their mouth open.  

I don’t want to see a return to etiquette used as a weapon against others, but I do think we should all just be a little kinder to each other.  It is in that spirit that I’ve started this blog.  Most of it is going to be about the funnier side of historical etiquette, but I will also talk about rules of modern etiquette and in the spirit of accuracy I’m going to give a snob’s interpretation as well as my own view, plus sometimes an alternate opinion.  You can choose to align yourself where ever you like.  This isn’t about right or wrong.  Etiquette rules have changed drastically over time and they should evolve even now.

The other part of this blog will be to explore my passion for vintage china, glassware, silver and food. If you’ve ever spotted an odd piece of china at the thrift store or at an estate sale and wondered, “what the heck is that”, then stick around. I hope to answer all your pressing vintage tableware questions like, “how do you use a finger bowl? Why are doilies different sizes? Or, what’s a terrapin dish?” You know, everyday, general knowledge. 😉

I hope you enjoy and find some laughs here.

So, do we heart etiquette?  Fuck yeah!